Class CylindricalProjectionMap
Defined in File EmissionMap.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public Referenced
(Class Referenced)
Class Documentation
class CylindricalProjectionMap : public Referenced
2D histogram of spherical coordinates in equal-area projection
Public Functions
CylindricalProjectionMap(size_t nPhi, size_t nTheta)
- Parameters:
nPhi – number of bins for phi (0-2pi)
nTheta – number of bins for theta (0-pi)
void fillBin(const Vector3d &direction, double weight = 1.)
Increment the bin value in direction by weight.
void fillBin(size_t bin, double weight = 1.)
Increment the bin value by weight.
bool checkDirection(const Vector3d &direction) const
Check if the direction has a non zero propabiliy.
const std::vector<double> &getPdf() const
std::vector<double> &getPdf()
const std::vector<double> &getCdf() const
size_t getNPhi()
size_t getNTheta()
inline size_t addReference() const
inline size_t removeReference() const
inline int removeReferenceNoDelete() const
inline size_t getReferenceCount() const
Protected Attributes
mutable size_t _referenceCount